// 브라우져 종류 구별 구조체 var Browser = { a : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() } Browser = { //ie : false, ie6 : Browser.a.indexOf('msie 6') != -1, ie7 : Browser.a.indexOf('msie 7') != -1, ie8 : Browser.a.indexOf('msie 8') != -1, ie9 : Browser.a.indexOf('msie 9') != -1, opera : !!window.opera, safari : Browser.a.indexOf('safari') != -1, safari3 : Browser.a.indexOf('applewebkit/5') != -1, mac : Browser.a.indexOf('mac') != -1, chrome : Browser.a.indexOf('chrome') != -1, firefox : Browser.a.indexOf('firefox') != -1 } // alert(Browser.ie); // 예제 /* function whatKindOfBrowser(){ if(Browser.chrome){ alert('crome browser'); } } */ String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } String.prototype.replaceAll = function (str1, str2){ var strTemp = this; strTemp = strTemp.split(str1).join(str2); return strTemp; } var _homepage_home = "/_Homepage/beyondm"; // 홈페이지 루트 전역변수 var _darkboard_home = "/_Darkboard"; // 홈페이지 루트 전역변수 var _index_page = "/index.php"; // 인덱스 파일 네임. var _admin_index = "/_Admin/index.php"; // 관리자 인덱스 파일 경로. var _default_h_idx = "2"; var _default_home_id = "beyondmedia"; var _default_b_idx = ""; var _default_f_ca1 = ""; var _this_page_url = "/_Darkboard/js/DarkJSInit.php?h_idx=2"; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var commonDiv = document.createElement("div"); var commonTxt = " \n"; commonTxt += "
\n"; commonTxt += "
\n"; commonTxt += "
\n"; commonTxt += "
\n"; commonTxt += " \n"; commonTxt += " \n"; commonTxt += " \n"; commonTxt += " \n"; commonTxt += " \n"; commonTxt += " \n"; commonTxt += "
\n"; commonDiv.innerHTML = commonTxt; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(commonDiv); //alert(document.getElementById("DelCont").b_idx.value); //alert(homepage_home+"/"+index_page+"/"+admin_index); var target = document.getElementById("DarkboardWaitSpin"); var opts = { lines: 9 // The number of lines to draw , length: 10 // The length of each line , width: 5 // The line thickness , radius: 10 // The radius of the inner circle , scale: 1 // Scales overall size of the spinner , corners: 1 // Corner roundness (0..1) , color: 'white' // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors , opacity: 0.25 // Opacity of the lines , rotate: 0 // The rotation offset , direction: 1 // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise , speed: 1 // Rounds per second , trail: 60 // Afterglow percentage , fps: 20 // Frames per second when using setTimeout() as a fallback for CSS , zIndex: 10000 // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) , className: 'spinner' // The CSS class to assign to the spinner , top: '50%' // Top position relative to parent , left: '50%' // Left position relative to parent , shadow: false // Whether to render a shadow , hwaccel: false // Whether to use hardware acceleration //, position: 'absolute' // Element positioning } new Spinner(opts).spin(target); }); //alert(homepage_home+"/"+index_page+"/"+admin_index);